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George R.R. Martin Interviewed Stephen King and uh, George, Your Overwhelming Despair Is Showing

By Vivian Kane | Celebrity | June 17, 2016 |

By Vivian Kane | Celebrity | June 17, 2016 |

This week, George R.R. Martin interviewed Stephen King during an Albequerque stop on King’s End of Watch book tour. But according to King, it was Martin who was the real star of the night.

And based on this description from a Redditor in the audience, I think we have to agree.

Moment of the night:

George asked him “How the fuck do you write so fast? I have a good six months and crank out 3 chapters, meanwhile you wrote 3 books in that time!”

Stephen answered that he writes almost every day and demands 6 pages a day from him self. George was amazed by that.

He replied “You always get six pages? You never get constipated? You never get up and go get the mail, and think ‘Maybe I don’t have any talent and should have been a plumber?’”

That was… funny. It was definitely a joke. And funny! BUT ALSO REALLY SUPER UNCOMFORTABLE, RIGHT? Because while most of us are eternally grateful that Martin hasn’t gone into plumbing yet, we also are the true villains in the story of his life. We are awful, and SO IMPATIENT and please don’t become a plumber just because we keep reminding you that you’re no Stephen King. Like, a million times a day we remind you. And we’re sorry.

(P.S. Also please write faster, thnx.)

Via Bustle.