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Even Celebrities Write Fan Letters to Celebrities

By Genevieve Burgess | Celebrity | May 31, 2015 |

By Genevieve Burgess | Celebrity | May 31, 2015 |

Before Twitter the world existed in a simpler time when you had to actually get out a pen and paper to harass celebrities with your appreciation for them. I can’t remember writing any of my own, but I know a lot of people who have very fond memories of the things they wrote to their favorite celebrities. One of these people was, apparently, Dave Grohl who recently tweeted that Ian MacKaye of Fugazi recently found a fan letter that Grohl had written to him.

Closing with a plea for names and numbers of people is definitely a bold move and it looks like teenage Dave Grohl practiced the first half of his signature more than the second. But it’s cute and it makes it clear that even at 14 Grohl was trying to work his way into music. He seems to have done fairly well for himself there.