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Ellen Degeneres Scares the Hell Out of Kristen Wiig Because Ellen Scaring Celebs Never Gets Old

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | May 7, 2015 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | May 7, 2015 |

It’s cruel, and given the frequency that Ellen Degeneres does it, you’d think that celebrities who appear on her show would be ready for it, and yet, they never are. Here’s Kristen Wiig losing it when a “ghost” jumps out at her while she was talking about whether she believes in ghosts.

And if you liked that (and it’s hard not to), here’s Chris Evans scaring the hell out of Scarlett Johansson on Ellen last week:

And here’s my favorite: Ellen scaring Eric Stonestreet half to death.

She is seriously going to have a lawsuit on her hands soon when one of those poor celebrities has a goddamn heart attack or embarasses themselves by shitting their pants.