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Eddie Murphy Dares You To Not Like His New Reggae Track

By Kristy Puchko | Celebrity | May 7, 2015 |

By Kristy Puchko | Celebrity | May 7, 2015 |

Pop Quiz: Name any Eddie Murphy live-action comedy from the past 10 years? Yeah. There’ve been some. But they’ve been somewhere on that scale from bad to oh sweet god what did I just watch?

Still, Eddie’s not sweating it. He’s becoming the recording artist he always knew he was meant to be. And this time instead of belting about his gal pal’s penchant for partying, he’s telling us all how the world needs to heal with his reggae track “Oh Jah Jah.”

Like it? If so, I guess tell Murphy. Apparently there’s more where this came from, but he’s only sharing it if there’s a demand for it. He told Rolling Stone:

“If people respond to [“Oh Jah Jah”], then I might [release a full album]. If people don’t, that shit will just stay on the shelf where it’s at. And I’m cool with that. I’m cool with all my shit being on the shelf until 100 years from now.”


Kristy Puchko likes to party a fair amount of the time.