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Did Harry Styles Spit on Chris Pine at the 'Don't Worry Darling' Premiere

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | September 6, 2022 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | September 6, 2022 |


Is there anything better than low-stakes celebrity gossip after a long weekend? The answer is no. No there is not. And the Don’t Worry Darling Venice premiere gave us all the messy nonsense we could ever ask for. Pugh, of course, has begged off of doing publicity, and around the time that Olivia Wilde was telling reporters during a Q&A that scheduling conflicts prevented Florence Pugh from attending the presser, Pugh was high-stepping around in the same city not too far away from the Q&A.

She did make it to the red carpet, however, and she did answer one question, and this answer! The “off camera” feels so … pointed.

The film — despite some mixed (to woefully bad) reviews — did receive a standing ovation, although Pugh did not share in the glow with her director, according to Variety:

Pugh had skipped the press conference for the film earlier in the day. When the audience at Venice erupted into a 4-minute standing ovation for the film, a teary-eyed Pugh — who was sitting several seats away from Wilde — turned away completely from her director, as she instead faced (and danced with) her co-star Nick Kroll.

That is no exaggeration. She didn’t even look to her right during the ovation:

And check out the pointed “Miss Flo” caption on this Insta from Pugh’s stylist (“Miss Flo” is how Wilde condescendingly referred to Pugh in a video to Shia LaBeouf):

But maybe the low-key most interesting moments of the night involved Harry Styles and Chris Pine. To wit, here’s Pine’s blank expression while listening to Styles blather that his “favorite thing about the movie is that it feels like a movie”:

And then there was this: The night’s most bizarre moment. Did Harry Styles spit in Chris Pine’s hand?

Of course, he didn’t! Or did he?

Here’s another angle.


Why? Why?

This movie is giving me LIFE.

Thank you, Florence Pugh, Harry Styles, Olivia Wilde, and Chris Pine: This is exactly how the post-Labor Day season should start.