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Could You Identify Kylie Jenner in a Photo Line-Up?

By Grainger Heavensbee | Celebrity | December 1, 2015 |

By Grainger Heavensbee | Celebrity | December 1, 2015 |

I honestly don’t know anything about Kylie Jenner, other than she’s a Kardashian but not really a Kardashian; the Kardashian’s are her half-sisters, with whom she shares a mother, Kris Jenner. She’s also the daughter of Caitlyn Jenner. She also has a sister named Kendall. That is the full extent of my knowledge. Unless she was in a photo line-up with four men, I probably wouldn’t be able to identify her. For a pop-culture writer who adores celebrity gossip, this is a failing.

In fact, it came to my attention this morning that I really didn’t know what she looked like, so I was curious how well our readers knew their Jenner/Kardashians, so I thought I would try out an experiment:

Here’s 5 photos of attractive women. Can you identify Kylie Jenner?

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It’s a trick question, of course, but I do now understand Amy Schumer’s joke from SNL:

“We have to be a role model for these little girls. Because who do they have? All they have, literally, is the Kardashians. And is that a great message for little girls? A whole family of women who take the faces they were born with as a light suggestion?”

Here’s a few more photos of Jenner from her bizarre Interview magazine spread. They are, admittedly, interesting.


