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Congratulations Madonna, You Are Officially the Worst Person In the (Theatre) World

By Vivian Kane | Celebrity | April 21, 2015 |

By Vivian Kane | Celebrity | April 21, 2015 |

If you’re not familiar with the play Hamilton, it’s the current obsession of every theatre lover you know. The hip-hop musical about Alexander Hamilton opened at the Public Theatre in New York earlier this spring and immediately sold out. The show is moving to Broadway this summer, but in the meantime, it’s been extended (last I heard) three times, ticket lotteries get thousands of applicants for each performance and tickets are being scalped for up to $1,000 each. Oh, and the celebrity and theatre legend endorsements aren’t helping the ticket shortage matter, either.

Here’s a little taste of what theatre geeks the world over would happily throw you into a volcano for a chance to see.

All of that setup is only to try to get you in the proper state of mind, with an appropriate level of respect for the show and envy of anyone lucky enough to score a ticket before I tell you about THE ATROCIOUS FUCKING BEHAVIOR MADONNA DISPLAYED AT A PERFORMANCE OF HAMILTON THIS WEEKEND.

Madonna reportedly has a hard time separating herself from her phone. The singer, 56, got into hot water when she allegedly started texting during a performance of Hamilton at New York City’s Public Theater on Saturday, The New York Daily News first reported.

Tony winner Lin-Manuel Miranda, the star, author and composer for the show, made a pointed reference to an unnamed celebrity audience member who practiced poor theater-going etiquette.

“Tonight was the first time I asked stage management NOT to allow a celebrity (who was texting all through Act 2) backstage #noselfieforyou,” Miranda Tweeted on Saturday night. It was later deleted, but a source in the audience tells PEOPLE that Madonna was at the performance and texting throughout the night.

“It was definitely her,” a source says. “She was texting, I believe, although at one point she also pulled out a Blackberry. She was also 20 minutes late and caused quite a stir getting to her seat.”

The source adds that Madonna’s behavior was “extra distracting” because the show is in such an intimate theater. Eventually, the pop star did stop texting, the source says - after someone else in the audience “finally hissed ‘Shut it off!’” during the finale. “To her credit, she did,” the source adds.

TWENTY MINUTES LATE? TEXTING THROUGH AN ENTIRE ACT?? Bringing out your phone to text even once at the theatre is unacceptable, as I know I don’t need to tell you all. You’re the beautiful people who deemed using a phone in a movie theater your ultimate pet peeve. Texting in a theatre theater is a bajillion times worse. Madonna, you’ve had a weird month. Your Coachella stunt was uncomfortable, your attempt at comedy was terrible, but I was willing to stand by you. Until this. There’s no coming back from this.

From People via Celebitchy.