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Chrissy Teigen and Katie Cassidy from 'Arrow' Are In a Twitter Fight and It's Glorious!

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | January 20, 2015 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | January 20, 2015 |

The delightful Chrissy Teigen — who recently graced us with her presence with a spectucular cameo on The Mindy Project — apparently is not a fan of Katie Cassidy, who plays Laurel Lance on Arrow (who will soon play Black Canary to infinite sadness of all Arrow fans).

Anyone who dislikes the woman who plays LAAAAWRL Lance is a hero of mine.

I’m not sure what the backstory here is, except that I guess Katie Cassidy used to date a guy that Erin Andrews now dates, which may or may not have anything to do with Cassidy’s somewhat harsh response to Stephen Amell’s question during the Seahawks/Packers game:

In either respect, I can tell that Teigen didn’t appreciate the dig at her friend Erin Andrews, and here we go!


I’ll give the win here to Teigen because 1) she didn’t bring God into it, 2) she’s a better person; 3) Cassidy accused Tiegen of being negative when Teigen was calling Cassidy on that in the first place, and 4) I respect those who look out for their friends, and 5) I do not like Lawwwwrl Lance.