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Chris Pratt Sends Nick Offerman Pictures Of His Poop On His Birthday

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | May 18, 2015 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | May 18, 2015 |

Chris Pratt may be ripped. He may be one of the sexiest guys in Hollywood these days, and he may be the franchise star of the future, but it hasn’t gone to Pratt’s head. He’s still plenty grounded, so much so that he actually sends honest-to-God photos of his poop to his old friends Adam Scott and Nick Offerman at Parks and Recreation. What’s more is, they send picture of their poop back to him, as well, as Pratt tells GQ Magazine:

You and Nick Offerman really send each other photos of each other’s poop?

Pratt laughs, “Yeah.”


“Not like every poop, but if it’s special enough. I sent him a picture of a giant turd on his birthday, and I said, ‘You guys have the same birthday.’ Adam Scott and I send each other goofy shit a lot, too. I’ve sent some dumps to Adam, and he sent some to me.”

I guess I should ask why.

“Because we’re buddies and it makes us laugh.”

That is friendship, y’all, the kind of which we mere mortals may never know. I have never once thought to myself, “Hey, one of my best friends has a birthday today. I could leave a ‘Happy Birthday’ message on his Facebook wall, but you know what? I think I’ll send him a picture of my poop instead.’”

However, it’s not like Pratt sends a picture of every poop to Offerman or Scott. It has to be a special poop, as he relays to GQ:

“If it’s shaped like a letter—that qualifies. Like, one time I had one that was three pieces that landed in the shape of an N—I was like, ‘Gotta send that to Nick—it’s his first initial!’ If it’s extra…the size. You know, some poops are unremarkable, and some you take pictures of and send them to Nick Offerman.”

Chris Pratt! He’s just like us! Except for the wealth, the fame, the perfect physical appearance, the gorgeous wife, and, of course, the habit of sending pictures of turds to Nick Offerman.

Source: GQ