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Chris Pratt Does an AMA, Continues to be Amazing

By Genevieve Burgess | Celebrity | April 25, 2015 |

By Genevieve Burgess | Celebrity | April 25, 2015 |

Chris Pratt did an AMA on Reddit, which is slowly but surely edging its way into the standard promo tour rounds. It was for Jurassic World and right out of the gate someone asked about the behind the scenes video from Parks and Recreation where Pratt pretended that he was approached by Steven Spielberg about doing a Jurassic Park sequel. Clip below.

And he does allude to his apparent ability to make his wildest dreams come true later in the chat, when asked about his favorite dinosaur: (Click on the images to make them larger, I know the print is a bit small.)

And I think this is my favorite response to the “book vs. movie” debate ever: “Movies have a hard time of capturing the grittiness of a novel. Whereas novels have a hard time being done in an hour and a half.” They’re different formats, people! Of course there’s going to be differences.


Beyond Jurassic World he also fielded the classic “one horse sized duck or 100 duck sized horses” question with a Parks and Rec twist.

He talked about which of his characters he feels closest to:

Something about Andy from Parks and Rec that you may not be aware of:

His favorite Game of Thrones character and how he met his best bud, Chris Evans:

And what “Chris Pratt superpowers” would be:

He also gets pretty adorable about his wife, Anna Faris, and how perfect they are for each other.

And his talks about his friendship with Nick Offerman:

So we have further confirmation that Chris Pratt is an amazing human being whose every dream comes true. I’d be jealous, but it just seems impossible to muster up any really negative emotions about the guy.