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Chewbacca Is Impressed By Harrison Ford's Quick Recovery After Actor Has Another Accident

By Cindy Davis | Celebrity | March 6, 2015 |

By Cindy Davis | Celebrity | March 6, 2015 |

Damn, you guys, I’m starting to really worry about Harrison Ford. After last June’s injury (fractured leg) on the set of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, the 72 year old actor recovered pretty quickly and he resumed filming in August.

Late yesterday afternoon, Ford (a pilot since the 90s) crashed his vintage World War II training plane on a Venice, California golf course shortly after leaving the Santa Monica Municipal Airport. First reports were that he was “seriously” injured after the plane lost power, and clipped some trees as Ford (flying s[S]olo) attempted to land. On-site witnesses said the actor was seriously cut and bleeding; doctors on the scene gave first aid and emergency responders evacuated Ford to a nearby hospital. After the first reports began rolling in, actor Peter Mahew — aka Chewbacca — tweeted his support:

As these types of reports often go, Ford’s condition was first reported to be pretty serious, then fair to moderate, and finally, the actor’s son tweeted some comforting news:

Whew! Battered and bruised is pretty damned good after a crash-landing, and Ford certainly does seem to bounce back well. Chewy was likewise impressed, wondering aloud if Solo isn’t a bit of a superhero:

Indeed! After Leonard Nimoy (still sobbing), we’re so not ready to lose anyone else. And please, Mr. Ford, you’re already penciled in for Star Wars, Blade Runner and Indiana Jones returns — do you think maybe you could take it a little easy for a while?

Cindy Davis, (Twitter) wishes Han Solo a speedy recovery.