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Channing Tatum Is the Best, Thinks Pizza Is Awesome

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | June 17, 2015 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | June 17, 2015 |

Among the revelations from Channing Tatum’s Reddit AMA: He has a nickname for his penis, loves Matt Bomer’s eyes, enjoys making American sexually frustrated, is friends with Chris Pratt, and has disgusting tastes in sandwiches.

Here’s the 14 best answers from his Reddit AMA:

1. So, if you could have one super power, what would it be, and why?

I wish that I could make anyone at any point just happen to be naked. Not for the reasons that everyone thinks. Because people get really nice when they get naked. Like okay, I can’t be an asshole. People aren’t assholes when they get naked (for the most part). They are thinking about what they look like. Shitty answer, I tried to do something funny and it didn’t work.

2. do you do full frontal in magic mike xxl? asking for a friend

haha “for a friend” I do not do full frontal but i can promise you when you’re standing in front of a bunch of people in a very small thong it doesn’t leave a lot to the imagination. Your “friend” should be happy.

3. You can only bring three things to an island for the rest of your life. What are they and why?

How about a magical seashell that’s always filled with bourbon. And I would like a magical palm tree that had a lot of shade with instead of coconuts there’s just peanut butter jelly sandwiches with cheetos underneath. And my wife that is always happy and possibly naked.

4. Channing! The world has gotta know, what are the components of your perfect sandwich?

k get ready: it’s very complicated. bread, white. peanut butter, not crunchy, creamy. grape jelly, double portion, more than you think should actually fit on a piece of white bread. bread. and then some cheetos shoved in there, and then you’re good to go.

5. Is it true that in 7th grade you got in a fight because you wore an “I hate pizza” shirt to school?

Hahahaha what? No. But I fucking wish. That sounds like an awesome story. Because I don’t hate pizza. If that did happen I would respect anyone that punched me because I wore that shirt. Because pizza is awesome.

6. Do you enjoy making millions of people sexually frustrated on a daily basis?

If that’s actually true, then yes.

7. Jupiter Ascending? What was that?

Great question. I have the same one to myself.

8. How would you survive a zombie apocalypse?

Oh man. Crossbow, straight up, and I’d want an army of ninja chimpanzees that crush people all around me.

9. What is your favorite thing to do when you’re having a bad day?

what’s going wrong, I just go and look at Pinterest. Or flipboard.

10. Does your penis have a nickname?



11. Do you ever get lost looking into Matt Bomer’s eyes?

absofuckinglutely. no matter if you’re a man, woman, cat, hamster, you will get lost in matt bomer’s eyes. I don’t know what they are made of outside of dreams and rainbows and amazingness but it truly doesn’t matter. And when he sings. It’s like god gave with both hands and then grew a third hand and graced him with more. he’s crazy talented.

12. What was the last picture you took with your phone?

The last picture I took on my phone I was going into a meeting and there was a tv on the wall playing CNN and they were talking about Jurassic World shattering box office openings so I sent that to my buddy Pratt. I’m just really proud of him, happy for him. It also said something about southeast Texas weather pressure.

That’s what I was really trying to tell Pratt, to make sure he was aware of a pressure front coming in.

13. Would you rather fight a Danny Devito sized John Stamos or a John Stamos sized Danny Devito? You’re both naked.

Can i just fight a Danny devito sized Danny Devito because I think I could take him and I would be on top or I could just use him as a spinner as I’m assuming we’re going to have sex after we fight if we’re naked

14. Hi Channing!! Who would win in a fight, you or Joe Manganiello?

It would be a messy fight. The light would probably bounce off of his pectoral muscles and blind me.

Source: Reddit