By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | July 22, 2016 |
By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | July 22, 2016 |
Damn, Lindsay. Back at it again with those questionable social media choices.
So, Lindsay Lohan posted a thing. And that thing is negligee social justice.
“If history were to be folded … Where would we put the crease? Pray for the ones we lose everyday and appreciate every breathe you ðŸ™ðŸ» weðŸ™ðŸ» all ðŸ™ðŸ» take #nice #turkey #turnup and do something (goodnight and sleep with an idea for the future)”
Sigh. Look. Posting cute pictures on Instagram in your silky jim jams? GO FOR IT. That is stellar. Live your jammy life. But. It’s about context. Camisoles for World Peace is just not the organization best fit to save our blessed Earth. Post a seductive pose, post a well-meaning wish of goodness and light to the world. But when the twain meets, you look like an asshole.
Take Mischa Barton. No one else seems to want to.
“I’m truly heartbroken to watch videos like the #AltonSterling execution. This may have been going on forever in the United States but thank god the pigs get caught on camera now. The country I was brought up in. Somebody make change. We need gun control and unity. And a real President, so think about that when this election is around the corner. The world is a precarious place right now. #stop #reflect and #act appropriately.”
The message? Great. Yes. Totally. Onboard. But. The picture. Marissa Cooper. Honey. No. Yachts and Rosé Against Police Brutality sounds like a hella chill charity initiative, but not exactly respectful to the cause you’re speaking out for, know?
And here’s the thing? It’s not just D-listers pulling this nonsense. I’ve seen it in the wild. I implore us all: If you are going to support a cause or speak out about injustice, maybe that’s not the most appropriate place for your epic hotness. Post the shit out of a good picture of yourself. If you’re having a great hair day? Capture that shit and share it like taffy. But maybe not under the guise of social commentary.