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Britt Robertson, Hollywood's New Favorite 'Teen,' is Actually an Ageless Vampire

By Genevieve Burgess | Celebrity | February 13, 2017 |

By Genevieve Burgess | Celebrity | February 13, 2017 |

Britt Robertson is a young actress who seems to really be hitting her stride. In the last couple of years she’s gotten leading roles in The Longest Ride, Tomorrowland, and the new tear-jerker The Space Between Us. She seems like a charming young lady, although it’s a bit confusing to pin down exactly how old she is when she’s bouncing from being Scott Eastwood’s love interest in The Longest Ride:

To a spunky young teenager in Tomorrowland:

To the object of Asa Butterfield’s distant teen affection in The Space Between Us:

Well, hold onto your butts, because eternal teenager Robertson is actually 26 years old. She’s closer in age to Scott Eastwood (four years younger) than Asa Butterfield (seven years older). She’s the same age as Margot Robbie, Emma Watson, Jennifer Lawrence, Kristen Stewart, Dev Patel, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, and Liam Hemsworth. Not only can she legally purchase cigarettes and alcohol, but she can also rent a car without any special provisions. Being 17 for many years sounds to me like a special kind of hell, but who can blame Robertson for building a career on it? Get that sweet YA money while you can. Given the other actresses in her age range, sniping roles from younger women might be her best option for a while. And besides, with her suspicious non-aging, I’m sure a slayer will be coming for her any day now.