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Bill Murray Made His First Comic Con Appearance Today, So He's Got That Goin' For Him

By Jodi Smith | Celebrity | July 9, 2015 |

By Jodi Smith | Celebrity | July 9, 2015 |

Bill Murray: the man, the myth, the legend. Can it really be true that he never made an appearance at San Diego Comic Con until today? It can. It is. He did. Today.

Murray is promoting his film Rock the Kasbah, directed by Barry Levinson and co-starring Kate Hudson, Danny McBride, Bruce Willis and Zooey Deschanel.

I have no idea what that has to do with Comic Con, but who gives a shit? BILL MURRAY WAS AT COMIC CON. Even Jennifer Lawrence was geeked out to meet him.

Then Murray sang “Smoke on the Water”.

Murray also gave some advice concerning how to overcome the current problems in America:

“We were a country founded with a glorious Declaration of Independence in a time when we still had slavery. The deal was, okay, we’ll sign it. But in 1820 the law started changing and people had to start giving away their slaves. They made a deal, like, ‘We’re going to end slavery—but we can’t get it done today.’ They made like a 50-year plan to get it done. It’s insane, but they had to make some sort of compromise for the people who wouldn’t bend.”
“So how do you make a change? It really starts with yourself. We are slaves ourselves. We’re slaves to our own weakness, we’re slaves to our bodies, we’re emotional slaves. If you can free your own self, that’s a huge help. That’s really the best thing you can do. That state that you enter then, that you attain, affects everyone around you.”

He was also questioned about co-star Willis’ status as jackass:

“When you’re the movie star, a real movie star… you have to sometimes take matters into your own hands in the name of entertainment, in the name of respecting the crew,” he said. “I don’t want to say producer slime or a certain kind of person, but there are people who want to take advantage of a group situation and dominate. That’s a personality flaw. And a movie star can step in the middle and say, ‘No, that ain’t gonna happen, boss. That’s not going to happen.’ They’ll get a little loud, they’ll get in someone’s face, and that story gets repeated because that person got loud and got in someone’s face.”

He then told everyone that Miley Cyrus is good. Like, really good:

“I’m gonna say this officially: Miley Cyrus… is good. I was not particularly convinced. Miley Cyrus is really fuckin’ good. She can really sing. I just thought she was a knucklehead crazy girl, the kind of girl you want to go on a road trip with who didn’t have ID or something, but she can really sing. So I don’t want to hear any more bad rapping on Miley Cyrus, OK?”

Okay, Pepaw Murray. Okay.