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Big Boo from 'Orange is the New Black' Has Shed 50 Pounds

By Grainger Heavensbee | Celebrity | April 6, 2015 |

By Grainger Heavensbee | Celebrity | April 6, 2015 |

Everyone likes a good makeover story, and we appreciate them all the more when they’re health related, as opposed to vanity related. That’s exactly the case here with Lee Dalaria, who plays Big Boo on Orange is the New Black, who shed 50 pounds in between seasons, not because the show asked her too, but because she was diagnosed with diabetes, and it was a necessary byproduct of a new diet and medication, as she tells Allure magazine:

“I was diagnosed with diabetes, and I’ve lost 50 pounds. I had to stop eating sugar and any starch, and then the medication speeds up your metabolism. I’m on standard diabetes medications, and I have no appetite. If you take them correctly, you’re going to lose a lot of weight. I’m down to 175 pounds, from 225 … This all happened to me in the last year. When I was 225, I would run around the room, run around the block. I was up all night partying. But I went through a period when I was tired all the time, and I didn’t know what it was. Finally, I went to a doctor and said, ‘Something is wrong.’ He took the blood test and said, ‘You have diabetes and high blood pressure.’ Now I have the blood pressure of a teenager. All is good. I am very happy with this change.

Good for her! Not for nothing, but already beautiful Laverne Cox has also dropped a few pounds after she did nothing more than to start eating better.

She looks fantastic, but then, she always did.

Source: Allure