By Grainger Heavensbee | Celebrity | August 25, 2015 |
By Grainger Heavensbee | Celebrity | August 25, 2015 |
Over the weekend, the pastor of Josh Duggar’s church gave a sermon on infidelity which could basically be summed up as this: Ladies, before you go to bed every night, don’t forget to brush your teeth, say your prayers, and fuck your husband. And if you forget to fuck your husband when he wants to be fucked, well, whose fault is it really if he steps out on you. You have an OBLIGATION to fuck your husband! The Lord commands it! God has a plan for everything, even Ashley Madison.
Pastors like that are the exact reason that women like Anna Duggar continue to stay with their husbands, in spite of infidelity, child molestation, and general douchebaggery. Because if you don’t stay with your man, you will disappoint the Lord.
Not everyone in the Duggar clan, however, believes that Anna should stay with her husband. In fact, Anna’s own brother — a man of faith himself — took to Facebook to refute a comment left by Jessa (Duggar) Seewald. Jessa posted the Bible passage, the gist of which was: We’re all sinners, but if you confess to your sins, then you’re all right with God!
Daniel Keller, Anna’s brother, responded, “You have to confess and forsake your sin to have mercy. Not sin confess and repeat. Confessing and getting caught are two different things.”
Bible burn!
I didn’t stop there, though, because someone called Daniel a hypocrite in that FB thread, and he responded accordingly:
“I know that my sin sent Jesus to the cross just as did Josh sin. But think for a min about the victims. Tell me how you would feel if someone cheated on your sister and brought so much disgrace to you and ur family. And when you done that. Go to hell you prik.”
Daniel should learn how to spell prick, but otherwise, nailed it.
But there’s more. He called his brother-in-law a “pig,” because his brother-in-law is a pig.
“I told her I would go get her and let her and her children stay w me,” he wrote about his younger sister and her four kids with Josh: Mackynzie, 5, Michael, 4, Marcus, 2, and 1-month-old Meredith Grace. “She said she’s staying where she’s at. But I won’t stop trying to get that pig out of our family. … I have been thinking of her and sick to my stomach for her for last few days.”“I don’t think Josh will see that this is a big deal and be truly broken till [Anna moving out] happens,” he added. “I bet my life on the fact that Josh has not come to true brokenness yet.”
I doubt very much he’ll ever reach true “brokenness” because he’s got all the get-out-of-jail free cards he could want sitting in his back pocket. It’s called Christianity, and the form that he believes in apparently means can do whatever the hell he wants and as long as he confesses those sins at the end of the day, viola, absolution! Jesus forgives over and over and over again, but Jesus has a lot more patience than Anna Duggar should.
And remember, Anna: Jesus will forgive you, too, for dumping your shit-dick of a man and putting your children in a safer environment.
Unfortunately, according to Anna, their parents are no help:
My parents are preaching stay w him,” Daniel wrote. “They’re more interested in how their daughter getting a divorce will make them look than they are in trying to truly get Josh some help and getting Anna and the kids out of there till he has gotten that help.”
Just a reminder to Mike and Suzette Keller: The welfare and safety of your children > how it might look to other people. Because even Jesus is like, “Lady, get the fuck out that situation. Let me sweat the forgiveness details.”
via E!