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An Open Apology to Jenny McCarthy

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | January 6, 2014 |

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | January 6, 2014 |

This past week, an old Time Magazine article went re-viral, thanks to Radar being Radar and touting Time’s “new” interview wherein Jenny McCarthy admitted her son never had autism in the first place. This interview did not exist, and McCarthy is now pursuing legal action regarding this “irresponsible and inaccurate” reporting.

So, on behalf of the internet, I am so sorry, Jenny McCarthy. I simply cannot fathom what it would be like to have something so horrifically false, so confidently stated without proper research or facts, so potentially damaging to fellow parents. It must be terrible, and I can’t imagine what you must be experiencing right now.

In all seriousness, I can’t imagine what it must be like to have a child with autism, or any other disorder. I know that I am very lucky to have what is thus far a fairly healthy child. And I hope to keep her that way through a regular regimen of medical check-ups and treatments, including vaccinations, and it makes me sick to think of the kids who have no choice in the matter because their well-intentioned but unspeakably foolish parents decided to listen to the co-host of Singled Out regarding how to raise a family, despite the entire medical community rallying together to single her out for being so, so wrong, and so, so damningly so. Yes, the parents are to blame, but Jenny McCarthy, you have blood on your hands, and to even use the words “irresponsible and inaccurate” is so mind-bogglingly unaware it’s pitiful. You have dedicated the last decade of your life to telling parents that they should open their children up to myriad deadly diseases so their kids might not get this other disease, one you think you magically cured through wishes and unscience. What a fucking hero.

Jenny McCarthy, now that you’ve experienced how “irresponsible and inaccurate” feels, I urge you, I beg you to reconsider your blatantly incorrect stance and do something. At this point, there is literally no way you don’t know you’re wrong. At this point, you’re just cashing checks, checks written on the backs of children dying from diseases that were nearly eradicated 40 years ago.

But, you know, sorry people posted an old article on Facebook. That’s probably way worse.