By Vivian Kane | Celebrity | August 19, 2015 |
By Vivian Kane | Celebrity | August 19, 2015 |
Over the weekend we learned that Hayley Atwell, ruler of our hearts, is also the master of great ideas. When answering questions from fans on Twitter, she dropped this bomb on us:
Oh dear sweet god of all that is good and Atwell, how do we make this happen? This is the perfect choice, not only because we want more Atwell in our lives, but because she would f*cking ROCK that show. If there’s anyone who can break up the boys club that is Doctor Who, it’s her.
The Doctor travels through space and time, so why not choose someone we already know can pass as timeless? See, we have modern Doctor:
And 40’s Doctor:
Okay, okay, I know the ability to pull off costume changes aren’t the most important Doctor qualification, but I don’t care. Stop nitpicking and look at more Hayley Atwell in period costumes.
And here’s a puppy for no reason.
There. Better? Let’s move on. We already know she has great chemistry with companions.
We know the best Doctors are at least a bit of a goofball, and Atwell has that in spades.
First costume fitting for season 2! #agentcarter
— Hayley Atwell (@HayleyAtwell) August 12, 2015
Plus she’s always up for adventure, a Doctor requirement.
ALL kinds of adventure.
And she can rock whatever silly space technology the show throws at her.
Also, I’m pretty sure she already has two hearts, the way she’s constantly melting ours.
Listen up Steven Moffat, I don’t care that you don’t think a woman should be the Doctor. No one cares. Make this happen. Or actually, you know what? No one thinks you can write good female characters anyway, so we don’t want you mucking this up. I’m officially (how do we make this official? Someone get a notary or something) nominating Hayley Atwell not just for the role of The Doctor, but also for Doctor Who showrunner. Sound good?