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Alice Eve Thinks Bruce Jenner Is 'Playing at Being a Woman'

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | April 28, 2015 |

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | April 28, 2015 |

Alice Eve has appeared in films like Star Trek Into Darkness and She’s Out of My League and the upcoming feminist treatise Entourage: The Movie. She is a big proponent for wage equality and presumably views herself as feminist. But, like a lot of people who misuse the term, she only seems to care about *certain women.* AKA, not the trans ones.

This was made evident by a now-deleted post about Bruce Jenner, screencapped by someone at ONTD.


She then went on to “clarify” (read: MAKE THINGS WORSE.)


Finally, she deleted everything and posted a picture of David Bowie.


A photo posted by Alice Eve (@aliceseve) on

She also released a statement to Page Six who originally picked up the story:

“I deeply apologize for offending anyone. I support equal rights and equal dignity for all. I have deep compassion and support for Bruce Jenner. My intention was not to offend. My intention was simply to express that, with the overdue and welcome acceptance of us all living on a gender spectrum, we must encourage equality for all.”

She also posted this in the comments of one of the photos:

I’m not saying by identifying they are negatively impacting feminism. I am saying that we have to refine the language on this topic so all men, women and transgenders are accurately represented in their process of self-identification. Maybe this needs a little thought. Thank you for engaging with me on this subject, because I felt confused and now I feel enlightened and like I know what education I need to move forward. I appreciate the time and thought. #smartbunch

Hopefully this was a learning experience for her and she is able to evolve from this. Sadly, she’s not alone in her TERFdom (trans-exclusive radical feminism). To be a feminist means to work and hope for the advancement and equality of all women. THAT MEANS ALL OF THEM.