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Adam Sandler Doesn't 'Give A Fuck' About Reviews. Obviously.

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | December 15, 2015 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | December 15, 2015 |

Over on Howard Stern’s show today, Adam Sandler sat in to promote his new Netflix movie, Ridiculous Six, which is not good. It’s been described on this very site as worse “than eating a bowl of human fingernails.”

Does Sandler care what critics think of his movie?

No, he doesn’t, which is obvious to anyone who has seen one of his movies since around Little Nicky. It does, however, bother him on behalf of the friends he invites to be in his movies, as he tells Stern:

“The bad reviews that I get on everything I do, that part pisses me off because I ask my fucking friends to be in it, and to ask them to be in this stuff and I’m promising them, ‘I think it’s good.’ And then I do screenings for an audience and it all works and I’ll call them up after and say ‘Hey, that one thing you said really did great.’ And then that Friday, every Friday literally every one of my movies is destroyed. Everything, the reviews, they destroy them so much that I’m just like, ‘I can’t wait for my friends to see the movie and not read that sh*t and be affected by it.”

Sandler’s friends include Danny Trejo, Steve Buscemi, Terry Crews, John Turturro, Andy Samberg, and Chris Rock, and trust me, they know when they sign up that the movie is going to suck, because they have made good things and they know the difference. Sandler can’t actually believe that Steve Buscemi — who has starred in Fargo, The Big Lebowski, and Reservoir Dogs — doesn’t know what he’s getting into. Buscemi collects his check, enjoys a few days with his pals, and otherwise doesn’t give a shit because those reviews bounce off him like teflon.

In either respect, Sandler himself doesn’t care about the reviews. Not even the good ones.

“I swear to God, I don’t want them. I don’t take them. When they say I’m good in something and someone calls me up and says, ‘Wow, the Village Voice said blah blah blah,’ I’m just like, ‘I don’t give a f*ck.”

Would you care if someone called your movie a waking nightmare? Or that it achieves the “garbage trifecta” of boring, unfunny and offensive? Or what if a reviewer so hated the film that he threatened to hit the poor assignment editor in the balls. With his car?

You should start caring, Sandler, because your movies are endangering the lives (and testicles) of those charged with assigning reviews of your films.

via Uproxx