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Aaron Paul Wants What We All Want: To See Him Cameo on 'Better Call Saul'

By Vivian Kane | Celebrity | March 5, 2015 |

By Vivian Kane | Celebrity | March 5, 2015 |

The question since we all first heard of early plans for Better Call Saul was, of course, if Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul would be making an appearance. Now that we know that this show is way better than pretty much any of us were expecting it to be (many of you even say BETTER than Breaking Bad, which is a bold but definitely not invalid claim), that prospect is seeming more like an actual possibility. And it helps that Aaron told Variety at a recent charity event that he’s a fan of the show.

“I love it,” he said. “It’s a little weird because it kind of looks like Breaking Bad. It has somewhat of a little bit different tone, but I know everyone involved, and I’m not involved in it at all and it’s a little weird, a little sad, but it’s great.”
And he said he’s down for the idea of a cameo, he just doesn’t know when that will happen.
We always have fun having that discussion — Vince [Gilligan], myself, Peter [Gould], the writers… We just have no idea how that would happen. But hopefully one day.
Michelle MacLaren, the new Wonder Woman director/Breaking Bad executive producer who has also directed an episode of Better Call Saul seconds those thoughts.
Who knows what they’re gonna do, but it is a prequel, so [Paul] absolutely could. I think it’s open to whoever Vince and Peter decide to bring in. I would imagine that everyone who would ask would say yes, but I have no idea what they’re going to do with it.
This seems like the smart way to go about this. There’s no need to go full Gotham on this show. It’s hopefully going to be around long enough that there’s no rush on the cameos; they can take their time and go for full logic and timing and impact. Of course, the big question now is— this being a prequel and all— how to pass Paul off as a younger version of himself from seven years ago. It’s easier with Bob Odenkirk and Jonathan Banks and the rest of them, but Aaron Paul was basically a child when Breaking Bad started. Oh well, I’m sure it’s nothing a little willing suspension of disbelief and some vaseline on a lens or two couldn’t make work.
