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A Clearly Traumatized Dax Shepard Recounts Kristen Bell's Birth Story

By Cindy Davis | Celebrity | January 16, 2015 |

By Cindy Davis | Celebrity | January 16, 2015 |

I swear, Dax Shepard is absorbing Kristen Bell’s infectious adorableness, because ever since they’ve gotten together, he’s just so much more likable. And cute. Like when he dropped by Ellen and started answering questions about the couple’s new (micro) baby girl, Delta. Who by the by, got her unique name not from the Designing Women actress, but from the military group. Baby-naming born of snarking buddies can be rather haphazard, but in this case, it seems to have worked out okay.

Now check out Shepard’s highly entertaining view of the birth story:

“After seeing this autopsy, I would rather see a school bus drive out of her vagina.”

Having had a few c-sections myself, I am completely down with his descriptions (they match the mister’s). Poor guy; I can’t imagine seeing the person you love splayed out all over the place.

Cindy Davis, (Twitter)