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Six Celebrities That Should Be on (More) Magazine Covers

By Nadia Chaudhury | Case Study In Hotness | February 11, 2014 |

By Nadia Chaudhury | Case Study In Hotness | February 11, 2014 |

Let’s be honest: I judge magazines by their exteriors. My periodical purchases are based solely on who is gracing the cover that month. Surprisingly, though, the candidate pool is small (how many different magazine covers do Scarlett Johansson or Bradley Cooper need to be on?).

I know, I know, publishers want someone bankable on their cover so people rush to the newsstands. Trust me, I should know: I currently own at least ten different issues with Michael Fassbender on the cover. But why don’t we switch it up and let some other stars have a chance? So here’s who I think should appear on more magazine covers (international editions and group covers notwithstanding):

Audrey Tautou
The gracefully stunning, and adorable French woman is Vogue-worthy without a doubt.

Chris Pratt
It’s really a shock that he’s never been on a magazine cover yet, because seriously. Let’s hope that’s remedied with his two movies this year (and, of course, Parks & Recreation).

Lupita Nyong’o
Everyone’s favorite award season fashion star, it’s a shame that Lupita just made her first solo cover this week for New York. Someone who can pull off that red cape dress from the Golden Globes merits much more.

Timothy Olyphant
That face was built for Esquire. I bet they can offer so many different style tips for that long hair.

Julia Louis-Dreyfus
For her third career rebirth, Julia’s polished style, comedic timing, and dirty mouth deserves front page placement.

Idris Elba
He’s been on GQ once, but that doesn’t seem like it’s enough for this dapper man (and he is a MAN).

Nadia Chaudhury met Coach this weekend and can now die happy.