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Guess Who Is Going To Have The Biggest Opening For A R-Rated Flick?

By Jodi Smith | Box Office Round-Ups | February 13, 2016 |

By Jodi Smith | Box Office Round-Ups | February 13, 2016 |

Deadpool is set to earn $130 million dollars over this President’s Day Weekend.
Deadpool is set to become one of thirty-six movies to have a $100 million+ opening weekend since 2002.
Deadpool in on its way to being the first R-Rated film to have a $100 million+ opening.
Deadpool is going to earn two times more than FOX projected it would make in its debut weekend.
Deadpool will be the first movie I have paid to see three times during its box office run, with The Dark Knight being the previous record-holder for me. Even then, I actually only paid to see it twice and stayed at the drive-in to watch it replay after the second movie.
Deadpool was worth the wait.
****UPDATE**** Booyah, bitches.