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Rewind: Chris Pratt Demonstrates How He's Been Dancing and Charming His Way Through Hollywood Since 'Everwood'

By Cindy Davis | Videos | August 14, 2014 |

By Cindy Davis | Videos | August 14, 2014 |

It’s not like we don’t already know how funny or absolutely charming Chris Pratt is. With each interview or press junket, he only seems more magnetic and talented — Hollywood must be collectively kicking themselves in the ass for not rocketing him to stardom sooner. It’s not like he hasn’t been trying. As you can see in one of his first on-set Everwood interviews, Pratt has always been a singing, dancing ball of delight. The facial expressions alone are worth the watch, but there’s singing and dancing too.

How on Earth did it take twelve years for this guy to go from Friskies commercials to Guardians of the Galaxy?

Cindy Davis, (Twitter) is thinking about revisiting Everwood.