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Halle-Effin-Lujah! You'll Never Guess Why George R. R. Martin Is Not Writing a Season 5 'Game of Thrones' Episode

By Cindy Davis | Videos | July 27, 2014 |

By Cindy Davis | Videos | July 27, 2014 |

George R. R. Martin joined the Game of Thrones Comic-Con panel for a short interview, and talked about walking the floor opening day. As he explains, “I had to do the shark philosophy; constantly keep moving — don’t stop at any time or you’ll be surrounded. But if you just cut through like a shark and never hesitate, you can make it through on Wednesday.” But the best part of the video conversation is what happens when Martin is asked if he’ll be writing (as he has every season) a Season 5 episode, and the author explained exactly why he won’t. I think you’ll all be as pleased as I was to hear his answer (Note: Season 4 spoilers are discussed, so if you’re not caught up, you may not want to watch).

I just love the Maisie, Sophie, Rose trio…and every Game of Thrones cast member we’ve heard speak seems positively delightful.


(via EW)

Cindy Davis, (Twitter) is very happy Martin is buckling down.