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Like Zack Attack Said, Friends Forever, Always Till The End: The Best Female Friendship Movies

By Courtney Enlow | Lists | September 22, 2011 |

By Courtney Enlow | Lists | September 22, 2011 |

It struck me when Bridesmaids came out, the rarity of a movie featuring a pure female friendship, unencumbered by jealousy or pettiness. ‘Cause, see, here’s the thing about women: we’re not all catty bitches, prone to spontaneous explosions of hormones and deserving of being referred to as “threatened” by the success, happiness or looks of other women. That is not to say we never experience any of these things. We do. Some of us do it a lot. But, for most of us, it is momentary, and does not define us.

I say this because you would not come to that conclusion based on women in movies purportedly about “friendship.”

Do you know how difficult it is to come up with a movie featuring a female friendship that doesn’t involve some manner of hair-pulling bickery, random untrustworthiness or a fight about a man? Because I’ve racked my brain and can really only think of Steel Magnolias. In fairness, I pretty much always only think of Steel Magnolias. I may have said, “Daddy, it’s tahm!” on my wedding day, don’t worry about it.

After further racking, I’ve come up with more worthy celebrations of female friendship in honor of this week’s DVD release of Bridesmaids. Sure, these friends may not be perfect, but they’re fun, always there for you and would never put dye in your shampoo or sabotage your spray tan like some twunts.

Muriel’s Wedding

The Sweetest Thing

Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion

Now and Then



Fried Green Tomatoes

Honorable Dude Mentions, because I didn’t feel right leaving out good old fashioned man love.

Shaun and Ed, Shaun of the Dead
Dante and Randal, Clerks, Clerks 2, “Clerks: The Animated Series”