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This Week's 'SNL' Cold Open Rains Down a Golden Shower of Mockery on Donald Trump

By Dustin Rowles | Saturday Night Live | January 14, 2017 |

By Dustin Rowles | Saturday Night Live | January 14, 2017 |

Baldwin returns to tackle this week’s press conference. It’s just as we hoped and expected: “Pee pee” questions and urine puns. And shirtless Putin also brings out the tape and threatens Trump with it. They’re hitting all the necessary highlights, and appropriately making fun of Trump, but humor is more broad than cutting. I’ll take it, though, because it reinforces — unfairly or not — the embarrassing rumors about Trump. Given what Obama had to endure for four years, I’m OK with that.

“If you repeal Obamacare, many people could die,” someone from the press suggests. “Listen missy,” Trump responds. “I’m about to become President. Everyone is going to die.”

Oh God. It’s not funny because it’s true.