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The Greatest Video in the History of Mankind

By Dustin Rowles | Guides | September 16, 2016 |

By Dustin Rowles | Guides | September 16, 2016 |

Check any source for the greatest movie quotes of all time, and they’ll all inevitably provide a list of the usual suspects: “Toto, I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore,” or “Here’s looking at you, kid,” or “Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.” Those very quotes — the supposed best in cinema — have, over the course of cinematic history, become clichés in and of themselves, repeated and parodied into a meaningless oblivion, recited only by your crazy uncle while trying to appear culturally relevant.

Frustrated with seeing the same damn tired quotes in every list of the Top 100 Quotes of All Time (most notably AFI’s), over the summer, we here at Pajiba — with the assistance of our readership — put together an alternative list of the 100 Best Quotes of All Time, aka The “Other” 100 Best Quotes of All Time. These are the quotes you throw back and forth at each other over drinks. The ones you work into conversations. The ones that have become part of the running jokes in your lives. Quotes that still have meaning to us and that, in many cases, your crazy uncle would never repeat in polite company.

And like anyone with a success on their hands, we’ve found a way — thanks to Pajiba’s outstanding video editor, hh — to translate those quotes unto another medium: Video. It’s one thing to read and celebrate the inclusion of some of your favorite movie quotes, but it’s quite another to see them in action. To fully appreciate their glory, the other 100 Best quotes needs to be witnessed in their original format. They need to be seen. And heard.

So without further ado, here it is for the YouTube Masses: The “Other” 100 Best Movie Quotes of All Time: The Video.

If you liked this video, please also see hh’s other masterpieces: Wall-E: The Cannibal Years, The Best Human Villains in Film History, and Star Wars: Lightsaber Duels Tribute.