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When Reporting that Robert Downey, Jr. Said That Feminism Is Make Believe, Please Include The Following GIFs

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | November 7, 2014 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | November 7, 2014 |

A few outlets are reporting on an interview with Robert Downey, Jr. from a few weeks ago, in which he said something that, out of context, probably doesn’t sound great. It was a Q&A with The Tab, a Cambridge-run student-run newspaper, and the questions were the kind of silly questions you might ask a guy who you understand has a good sense of humor. For instance, he was asked how big his penis was, to which he responded, “They don’t call me ‘Throbbing Knob’ for nothing.”

That’s RDJ being droll, in case you couldn’t hear RDJ’s voice in your head saying that.


However, it was his answer to the final question of the night that is raising eyebrows.

“Scarlett Johansson has never had her own superhero movie. Would you call yourself a feminist?” he was asked. That’s a weird way to ask a question, but OK.

Here was his response:

“You bastard. Yeah, that’s all make believe, son.”

OK now, if you think about Niles Crane saying that all smug and pretentious, maybe that doesn’t sound so good for him.


But if you place the answer in the context of the the type of Q&A that is being conducted, consider the wry answers RDJ gave before this question, and picture him making one of these three faces, I think we can safely assume that he was just f*cking around with the questioner.


“You bastard. Yeah, that’s all make believe, son.”


“You bastard. Yeah, that’s all make believe, son.”


“You bastard. Yeah, that’s all make believe, son.”

So, either my love for RDJ is blinding me to the possibility that he’s such a huge honking asshole that he’d tell a young student in a large crowded space that feminism is a myth, or there’s nothing to see here, folks.