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Justin Bieber Being Held Back From Attacking Photographers Is the Funniest Thing You'll See All Day

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | March 8, 2013 |

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | March 8, 2013 |

So, I don’t know if you follow Wee Widdle BeeBee, but he’s had a wuff week.

First, he had THE WORST BIRTHDAY EVER because security wouldn’t let his 14-year-old BFF Jaden Smith into a club where he was hosting his circus-themed birthday party. It had clowns and everything!

Then, he got booed at a concert for showing up “only 40 minutes late.” Only 40 minutes?! That’s almost a whole episode of “Scandal.”

Then, he had sad Twitter feelings.

“fake stories to sell papers i guess are part of the job. but im a good person. i know that. u cant tell me different. we know the truth,” he tweeted.

Another said: “rumors rumors and more rumors. nothing more nothing less. might talk about them 1 day. rt now im just gonna be positive. cant bring me down”

“I understand it is part of the job to be judged…but judge me on the facts, judge me on the music, and be careful of the judgement u pass, but know this…im only judged by one power, and i serve him,” he also added.

Sadface! :(

THEN, he fainted at a show last night. Possibly a lot like how I “fainted” every time we had to play basketball in gym. But, don’t worry. He was well enough to pull down his gown and Instagram himself listening to “Janice Joplin.”


Then. Then. Today, as he left the hospital, he was swarmed by paparazzi, per uszhe. And. He. Attacked. And, I’m sorry, photographers are a mess and I don’t wish it on anyone, but this is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen. Ever. In my life.

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It looks like that man is picking up his seven-year-old who is having a tantrum at Walmart.


Is he not Warren from Empire Records? HE IS SO WARREN FROM EMPIRE RECORDS.


You guys, it’s adorable. I want to carry him in my pocket and watch him throw tantrums all day.

For good measure, let’s just throw in a photo of him meeting Stephen Harper. For funsies.


Look, this is standard operating procedure. Bieber reached insane amounts of fame as a zygote and now he’s acting out. THEY ALL DO. Now, if it stays small like this, it will remain hilarious. If he starts getting hospitalized for “exhaustion” or “the flu” then we’ll know things have taken a turn for Lohanic.

Yes, it’s cruel to laugh at someone who is clearly distressed. I mean, I cannot imagine what it would be like to have photographers swarm you screaming at you, and then some snarky blog bitch laugh at you. And I’m sorry. I don’t feel good about it. But…I mean…look at him.


D’awwww. He’s like an angry koala.