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John Cho Has the Most John Cho Response to #StarringJohnCho

By Vivian Kane | Celebrity | May 23, 2016 |

By Vivian Kane | Celebrity | May 23, 2016 |

We’ve talked here before about the awesome Twitter trend campaign #StarringJohnCho (and its follow-up, #StarringConstance Wu), in which roles played by white actors are replaced via Photoshop by John Cho.

Now, finally, someone has asked Cho himself what he thinks of being at the center of such a popular campaign, and he gave the most John Cho response possible. Which is to say, humble, brilliant, and generally perfect.

I thought the idea was fantastic.

I loved that it was sparking this discussion that otherwise we wouldn’t be having and it did it in a positive way. [The campaign] was kind of silly, but then people really did have that discussion, and it did get people thinking about it. I felt like it was me on the poster but it wasn’t really about me. I really dig it.

It’s fantastic that Cho took the time to explain the actual point of the campaign, because there are undoubtedly a lot of people out there in the world who are missing the big picture, that it’s NOT about Cho, but about questioning why a Asian-American actor who is gorgeous, and talented, with impeccable comedic chops, still, by many, isn’t seen as a leading man type.

That said, he is all of those things. He is smoking hot hilarious talent incarnate. So it really IS about John Cho. And our undying love for him.