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Comedian Leah Knauer Successfully Annoys Kevin Smith Into A Part in 'Mallrats 2'

By Riley Silverman | Celebrity | August 18, 2016 |

By Riley Silverman | Celebrity | August 18, 2016 |

It’s a good week to be a Kevin Smith fan.

In what will likely set a horrific precedent for any filmmakers with active social media accounts, on Wednesday Kevin Smith caved to one of the most persistent social media pestering campaigns ever unleashed. Comic Leah Knauer has been tweeting at Kevin Smith every day for 278 days, starting with this tweet almost a year ago:

They started off fairly innocuous:

And others started joining in:

Eventually she added visual aids:

And even involving other comedy film stars:

Not to mention pimping that resume:

And just when it seemed like things were getting desperate:

She tweeted this one Wednesday:

And lo and behold, Y’all…

Kevin Smith responded.

That’s right, during a Facebook Live chat with Greg Grunberg, where you can clearly see that Leah continued to poke at the View Askewner from the comments, Smith finally addressed Leah’s twitter campaign, and promised that while Mallrats 2 is unlikely to happen as a film, she will definitely be involved in whatever it ends up becoming.


You can watch the video here, and if you just want to see where Smith addresses Leah, scroll till there’s only 05:20 left.

Congrats to Leah on the payoff to her Andy Dufresne level of commitment to her goal, and condolences to literally every cult director whose inboxes are about to get blowed up.

Riley Silverman would just like to remind Bryan Fuller that she really wants to play a transgender member of Starfleet. You know, if this is a thing we can do now.