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Twitter Users Ponder the Greatest Dissolves In Film

By Petr Navovy | Social Media | October 9, 2023 |

By Petr Navovy | Social Media | October 9, 2023 |


Who doesn’t love a bit of verve in their filmmaking? There’s a fine line between flashy direction or editing that takes you out of the experience, and well-pitched choices that enhance things while also making you whoop with joy at the bravado on display. One of my favorite film sequences of all time—and this isn’t exactly a strange, new choice—is the iconic intro to Apocalypse Now, which the mad king Coppola and Vittorio Storaro and editors Lisa Fruchtman, Gerald B. Greenberg, and Walter Murch pepper with a host of colorful cinematic touches. Twitter had this kind of filmmaking on its mind the other day, when users pondered their favorite examples of the dissolve—an editing technique that it feels like we’ve lost over time, so let’s show some love here: