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Twitter Users Ponder the Films That Would Be Best to Muppetize

By Petr Navovy | Social Media | December 16, 2022 |

By Petr Navovy | Social Media | December 16, 2022 |


It’s a fairly common trope on Twitter and other social media: What film would be great to reinterpret with Muppets? And to what degree? How many Muppets would there be? Who would be the non-Muppet characters? It is a truth universally aknowledged, after all, that any film can—and should—be remade with Muppets, and it would be awesome.

Yes, even Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom.

Well, okay, maybe there’s a limit.

Twitter explored this lovely trope in depth the other day when Twitter user @monaphobia posted the following prompt:

And what can I say: The thread in response is pure art.