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Twitter Reacts To Hot Abraham Lincoln Statue

By Kristy Puchko | Social Media | February 21, 2019 |

By Kristy Puchko | Social Media | February 21, 2019 |


Most Americans know Abraham Lincoln as a bearded man with a love for freeing slaves, tall hats, and theater. But in the heart of Los Angeles, he is also remembered as a snack.

Behold, young, beardless, shirtless Lincoln.

This shot of hot Lincoln from the Los Angeles federal courthouse has gone viral, sparking a wave of reactions on Twitter.

Fun Facts about this statue: It’s called “Young Lincoln,” was created in 1939 for an open sculpting competition by James Hansen, who used himself as its shirtless model. Pics below.

But this isn’t the first time the internet has gone wild for a hot Lincoln statue. In 2017, a tamer but still swoon-worthy statue of the iconic president caused a stir when this Facebook vid blew up.

And just last spring, a copy of Hansen’s “Young Lincoln” spurred thirst and a Buzzfeed post thanks to this tweet.

Happy belated birthday to the president who’s still got us swooning.
