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The People Of Twitter React To The News That Twitter Is Killing 'Likes'

By Kristy Puchko | Social Media | October 29, 2018 |

By Kristy Puchko | Social Media | October 29, 2018 |


Twitter is a blessing and a curse. It allows breaking news to be spread in an instant! It also allows misinformation and blatant propaganda to spread just as fast. It allows you to easily reach out to your favorite celebs! It also allows vicious strangers to brutally threaten and harass these same celebs, often without consequences. It empowers the voice of Resistance! It empowers the voice of a shit-ton of Neo-Nazis, who are shadow-banned in Germany’s version of Twitter but can totally tweet it up in the States! So, what does founder Jack Dorsey plan to do to make Twitter less toxic? Kill off the “like” function—just like no one asked for!

The Telegraph reports that Dorsey recently declared at a Twitter event that the little heart reaction to tweets would be gone “soon.” Reportedly, Dorsey hopes the end of “likes” would enhance the “quality of debate” on the site. He said in part: “We’re experimenting and considering numerous possible changes, all with an eye toward ensuring we’re incentivizing the right behaviors to drive healthy conversation.”

The people of Twitter do not like this news.

But hey, maybe the Telegraph was wrong and Dorsey is not as dumb as this decision suggests?