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The Only Andrew Tate Content Anyone Ever Needs To Consume

By Petr Navovy | Social Media | August 17, 2022 |

By Petr Navovy | Social Media | August 17, 2022 |


Up until about a week ago, I had zero idea what an ‘Andrew Tate’ was. Like, no idea at all. It was a name that I may have heard at some point, making incidental contact with it as it pinged its way around a cultural sphere that I remain blissfully ignorant of the vast majority of the time, but I’m very good at not acknowledging things I don’t want to acknowledge. I may not have many skills, but that ability to remain stubbornly non-porous to a lot of stuff is definitely one of them. It’s not something I do actively—I think—and it’s not a factor of getting a bit older either; I’ve had it since I was in my teenage years at least. Often, unless someone explicitly tells me about something, I’ll just never become aware of it. The amount of things—celebrities, musical artists, TV shows—that I would’ve likely never known about had it not been for the Pajiba Slack chat is significant. It’s not always a good thing, this ability to remain ignorant—I love discovering new bands for one thing, and that requires more energy from me than from most people probably—but a lot of the time it’s pretty damn great.

Which brings us back to ‘Andrew Tate’.

I didn’t know it at the time, but what a blessed existence I had before the existence of ‘Andrew Tate’ bubbled through my protective ignorance membrane. If you aren’t burdened with cursed knowledge I urge you: Stop right here. Go no further down this road. I didn’t want to know, I wish I could go back, I didn’t want to tread the path, but the demon algorithm and push of social media eventually overcame my defences. Do yourself a favour, and if you don’t know who this pathetic bottom feeding grifter is but you really need to know, search it through an incognito browser.

Through a VPN.

On someone else’s laptop.

Anything less, and the rightwing misogymachine that is the YouTube algorithm will start pushing this cu*t’s content on as if you were a Jordan Peterson fan. Anyway, I don’t want to give the escaped fart with sunglasses any extra attention, but this video by LT_Tom made me laugh because it’s pretty much the only level that someone like this should be approached at. This is the only Andrew Taint content that anyone ever needs to consume: