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The First Photo Of A Black Hole Inspires Education And Shenanigans

By Jodi Smith | Social Media | April 10, 2019 |

By Jodi Smith | Social Media | April 10, 2019 |


What a time to be alive! The first ever photo of a black hole was taken and shared with the world and the response has been all over the place? As Genny put it in Slack, “Because the internet has democratized access to information but not the knowledge needed to comprehend it.”

We have all the power at our fingertips to learn more about black holes, why this photograph is such a big moment for science, and how the whole thing even works. Some of us take that opportunity and mete out more information to the masses. The rest? I hope you like jokes, because that’s what the internet does, kids.

I’ve put together a nice mix of both, nice and balanced like the knife Thanos gave to Gamora before he committed genocide.