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So, How's That Whole "Going Back To School In-Person" Working Out for America?

By Jodi Smith | Social Media | August 25, 2020 |

By Jodi Smith | Social Media | August 25, 2020 |


In-person schooling began for a lot of districts around the country, as well as college campuses, in the last couple of weeks. My kid’s school is offering parents a choice and she will start the year off strictly online. I felt bad about doing this to her, robbing her of interaction with her peers for another unknown amount of time. Then I checked Twitter and saw that I really made the right decision, especially since I’m in Ohio.

It isn’t so much the “being in class with other students while wearing masks” as it is “congregating after practices and at parties without masks” that’s the problem. Although, the amount of touching and weird things kids do with their masks is probably going to come into play very soon.

I mean:

It’s all so overwhelming in a sea of unmitigated trashfire to have to decide between sending children and young adults back to schools due to state laws making it mandatory or the inability of parents to work from home. There is no happy answer. The kids staying home are losing out on interaction with the kind of learning environment that most of them thrive in while others can’t even get online at all. The kids and young adults that go to in-person classes are hoping that everyone takes precautions and must worry about catching something, taking it home to their families or dorm, and spreading it around.

It’s a no-win situation when we know that, even if it is a low number of deaths from infection, there is no way to tell how someone will react to contracting the virus. Even if there are no harmful side effects, the long-term repercussions of COVID-19 remain a mystery until more time has passed. Damn, this isn’t even getting into the teachers and their forgotten roles within the schools and colleges.

While most people argue that kids are more likely to come out of the virus fine, it tends to ignore the teachers and professors that have pre-existing conditions that may be exacerbated by the virus. It ignores their families at home, hoping their loved one doesn’t bring the virus home to them. I don’t want my husband to die, y’all. I want us all to be safe. Is that so much to ask?

Header Image Source: AMC