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Reddit's Legal Advice Shreds Sexual Harasser Looking For A Bailout

By Jodi Smith | Social Media | September 11, 2018 |

By Jodi Smith | Social Media | September 11, 2018 |


Yes, Reddit has a dedicated Legal Advice corner of the internet where people ask questions to those that understand the laws and their applications. Most times this sub-Reddit saves people time and money when they run into an otherwise expensive situation that requires a personal attorney. Yesterday, however, a user calling himself DirectorOfOperations thought that the subscribers and contributors of /r/LegalAdvice would assist him in keeping his job after a sexual harassment claim threatened to get him fired. After explaining the particulars of his incident, DirectorOfOperations did not get what he wanted.

My boss just informed me that, in the morning, HR will present me with a sexual harassment complaint/investigation against me. What are the steps I need to take to protect myself? from r/legaladvice

That’s quite a damning story, so I’m not sure what the OP expected. But this is just a sampling of what he got:





Delicious! It’s just as I said earlier today: “The best way to avoid being shunned from the public eye and social events is don’t sexually assault people.”

Header Image Source: Paramount Pictures