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Mark Duplass Tweets Misguided And Ill-Informed Support Of Ben Shapiro And James Gunn Is There

By Jodi Smith | Social Media | July 18, 2018 |

By Jodi Smith | Social Media | July 18, 2018 |


Mark Duplass and his brother Jay are phenomenal filmmakers and storytellers. Not content to only tell insane stories about terrible people on The League, Mark and Jay gave us the inspired Creep and its sequel before signing with Netflix and other studios for more content in the future. Mark always seemed like a pretty nice dude — and he may still be — but it seems he made a huge mistake in tweeting this before researching a person.

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He failed to check himself and he did wreck. Twitter helped smash his shit too, to be fair.

I mean, even a cursory Google in the ol’ internet machine would give Mark a thousand reasons NOT to present Shapiro as a shining beacon of humanity on the right.



Mark then tweeted an apology of sorts after deleting the initial tweet.

Genuinely appreciate all of your comments. My goal is to create further understanding of each other’s positions. If we “vote them out” without any attempt to understand, they’ll likely just vote us out next time the same way. That said, I hear your points. Best to all of you. — Mark Duplass (@MarkDuplass) July 18, 2018

Um. That didn’t go over well either, so Mark deleted it, began trending, and here comes James Gunn.

Gunn usually has good points. This isn’t one of those times. I don’t think Mark was attacked — he was educated about his mistake. Big difference. In addition, letting “good” white guys slide on bullshit like this where they make an uneducated statement and aren’t held accountable for it are part of why we are where we are today in lots of different parts of Hell.

Third, I can absolutely be pissed about this and treason and racism and sexism and rape culture and any goddamn thing else I see that needs smashing.