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Just When You Thought You Couldn't Love Rob McElhenney Any More...

By Petr Navovy | Social Media | September 6, 2018 |

By Petr Navovy | Social Media | September 6, 2018 |


The It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia crew are good people.

It’s pretty funny that for a show about such heinous, reprehensible examples of the species, like every single member of that cast basically tops my Celebrities I’d Love To Have a Beer With list.

Take Mac for example. As Dustin already said, Rob McElhenney just seems like the absolute best dude. After last night’s season 13 premiere, a lot of you have been feeling his new Jacked Mac physique too. So he’s cool, he’s ripped—what more could he possibly do to make you love him more?!

How about a concise, humorous deconstruction of the mystique around fitness, celebrity, and our unhealthily warped, media-formed body image obsession?

Ah, Mac.




Bonus Charlie Day!

Oh, and don’t forget to check out my weekly gushing Sunny recaps.