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'Choose a Movie. Keep One Actor, the Rest Are Now Muppets. What's the Movie and Who's the Actor?'

By Petr Navovy | Social Media | May 4, 2020 |

By Petr Navovy | Social Media | May 4, 2020 |


It all started when music journalist Eric Alper tweeted a simple, almost haiku-like prompt:

That cracked a hole in space-time through which came a glimpse of a parallel dimension in which many of our most beloved movie classics starred a majority Muppet cast. Apparently, according to the top answers on Twitter, those classics in their original form are also majority white, but considering the state of this dimension I’m sure that surprises no one.

And then there’s my personal favourite, the hypothetical movie I’d personally lose my mind if I could see, especially if it was exactly the same as the original—Kubrick direction and all—just with the Muppets substitution: