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A Look Back At Some Of the Most Ridiculous Tweets Of 2021

By Petr Navovy | Social Media | February 3, 2022 |

By Petr Navovy | Social Media | February 3, 2022 |


2021, eh? What a year. A 12-month stretch that simultaneously felt like it blazed past in just a few weeks, but that also dragged on for the best part of a decade. I suppose we must be getting used to that now, though, what with 2020 already having broken the ground on that whole ‘global pandemic mixed in with looming climate catastrophe’ vibe. But, hey, at least we don’t get a chance to get bored. At least we have the grim circus that is social media providing an endless source of spectacle that can keep us amusing ourselves to death while everything spirals merrily. A perfect example of that is this roundup that Twitter user ‘willem dafriend’ (@spaghetti) made, compiling some of the most ridiculous tweets of the year that was 2021. Enjoy, and be blasted down a truly surreal memory hole: