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The Soul Squad Visits Canada To Find [REDACTED] In 'The Good Place'!

By Dan Hamamura | TV | November 16, 2018 |

By Dan Hamamura | TV | November 16, 2018 |


Admittedly, when I first watched this week’s episode, entitled ‘Don’t Let the Good Life Pass You By’, I was a little worried that there wouldn’t be much for me to dig out from the background - only two locations, both of them relatively grounded?

Turns out, my concern was unwarranted, as there was more than enough material to uncover.

Who Is Doug Forcett?

As a number of you theorized last week, we indeed went to Canada to meet Doug Forcett, the lionized Canadian who got closest to figuring out how the afterlife works:


And so, who did they get to play Doug Forcett?


Naturally, after his brilliant turn on Better Call Saul playing a weirdo shut-in, Michael McKean is a perfect choice for Doug.

The Puking Moose Saloon


Hey, a normal, pleasant background image joke! This may be one of the only ones we get in this episode.

“Would any of you like any more water, or one of my kidneys?”


Intentional or not, when Doug (who, it turns out, has become singularly devoted to trying to earn Good Place points) sincerely asks Michael and Janet if they want one of his kidneys, it reminded me of the “man” Eleanor met in the pilot who gave both of his kidneys to a stranger who seemed nice - suggesting that if the point system is on the up and up, this is, in fact, the absurd lengths a person would have to go to in order to get in.

The Ashtray Question


This one isn’t a joke but a genuine question: Can you still smoke in bars in Canada? I honestly can’t remember the last time I saw an ashtray in a bar.

Moose Tavern Whisky/Bortles!


Only one fake label this week, as apparently, the whisky in Canada is also moose-themed (sorry for the terrible screengrab, but rest assured it reads “Moose Tavern Whisky”).

But my favorite joke is what happens next:


In stopping Jason from throwing his Molotov cocktail, Vicky prevents him from throwing the bottle, as Bambajan covers his mouth and keeps him from yelling “Bortles!”

Again, look at the hold Bambajan is using. It doesn’t restrict Jason’s arms or body at all.


Which can only mean one thing: The source of Jason’s powers is, in fact, Blake Bortles.

Doug’s Animal Graveyard

Like any good person terrified of losing Good Place points, Doug buries and memorializes every animal who dies on his watch:



The headstones, in order:
Rosa Parks the Deer Tick
Franklin Delano Raccoon
Abraham Lincoln Einstein Mandela Goose
Martin Luther Gandhi Tyler Moore Snail

“Screw This, Let’s Fight!”


After everyone is finally back together again, we get an action set piece for an entire act, as everyone (but mostly Janet) kicks some serious demon ass.

Fun Fact: The fight sequence (which was great regardless, but particularly surprising considering this is a network comedy ostensibly about moral philosophy) was coordinated by the legendary Jeff Imada, who has performed and coordinated fights and stunts for numerous movies and TV shows - I guarantee you’ve seen his work.

Or you may remember him like I do: as the cool shades tough guy (“Needles”) from Big Trouble In Little China:


That’s all for this week! Next week, we go to Janet’s void, so everyone look around and say goodbye!