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We Are Not Ready To Say Goodbye, Tony

By Kristy Puchko | TV | September 17, 2018 |

By Kristy Puchko | TV | September 17, 2018 |


The death of Anthony Bourdain was a shock to fans around the world who’d come to love and depend on the gruff but ever-passionate chef and travel enthusiast. Bourdain completed suicide while the latest season of Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown was in production. And soon, we’ll see the six episodes that were finished posthumously. In this final season of the 9-time Emmy Award-winning travel series, stand-up comedian W. Kamau Bell accompanies Bourdain to Kenya.

It looks like an amazing trip. And looking back on it for this trailer, Bell gives us some insight into what it was like to live the dream, traveling, talking, eating and laughing with Anthony Bourdain.

Warning: You may want a tissue handy.

Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown will premiere on CNN on September 23.