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Could Tom Arnold Save Us From The Trump Presidency?

By Kristy Puchko | TV | May 3, 2018 |

By Kristy Puchko | TV | May 3, 2018 |


While Roseanne is turning her once beloved show into a Trump-stumping mockery of its former glory, her former husband is seeking to bring the reckless orange buffoon down with a show of his own. Welcome to 2018, folks.

Vice presents The Hunt for the Trump Tapes With Tom Arnold’s teaser trailer:

Here’s the official synopsis for the new series:

The host will draw on his high-profile network of celebrity friends, entertainment executives, and crew members he’s met over more than 35 years in showbiz to dig for evidence on Trump’s most incriminating moments — and, being a comedian and all, he’ll have a little fun along the way. He’ll be backed up by a handful of experienced journalists, and — aside from trying to uncover the tapes themselves — he’ll look into the companies and tycoons who have allegedly fought to keep the damning recordings a secret.

Arnold is not new to the Trump tapes beat. And it might sound insane to think a brash character actor could bring down a presidency. But hey, five years ago, it seemed completely impossible that an overtly racist realty-TV star could become the president. The rulebook has been pissed on and burnt for smoky-eye looks, people.

Considering all the other heinous behavior of which they approve, it’s hard to imagine Trump’s base will give a flying MAGA hat if Arnold unearths the “N-word tape.” But could this show, clearly made primarily to irritate Roseanne and her beloved POTUS, actually track down the pee tape? If 2016 has taught us anything, it’s never say never.