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The Season Two Trailer For 'Dear White People' Is Here To Remind You To Watch This Amazing Show

By Alyssa Fikse | TV | April 16, 2018 |

By Alyssa Fikse | TV | April 16, 2018 |

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Original content from Netflix often feels like a never-ending tidal wave that is impossible to keep up with. Some shows are better than others — for every GLOW there is a Flaked — and some series are bound to fall through the cracks. However, do yourself a favor and not let Dear White People be one of those shows.

Its exquisite first season infuriated the Breitbart and Fox News types, causing their heads to explode from rage and white privilege. Amidst their threats to cancel their Netflix subscriptions, Dear White People emerged as a nuanced and important look at modern race relations in America, showing a wide variety of perspectives and a layered look at the black experience. It also happened to be a lot of fun. Anchored by a stellar performance from your new crush Logan Browning, Dear White People was the stealth MVP of 2017.

Luckily, Netflix renewed the show for a second season, which drops on May 4th. Here’s the new trailer:

Oh, hell yeah. Well written, excellently styled, and now with Lena Waithe, Dear White People is the perfect mix of message and entertainment. You still have plenty of time to binge the first season if you missed it, so keep putting off the new episodes of Jessica Jones and get to it.